Top 5 Ayurvedic trick to kill your Teeth's pain in 5 minutes | Home made Formula

Top 3 Ayurvedic trick to kill your Teeth's pain in 5 minutes | Home made Formula
If you have any Teeth's pain in your mouth then you can apply this steps to rest into the pain.
Formula 1:loug(Clove)

In your home you will search clove. Before you can put into the mixer and cut in Slices And Apply in you teeth whithin 5 minutes your pain automatically kill.
Formula 2: clarified butter(cow's ghee)

First of all you you need same Cotton's. take cotton and tip on clarified butter and slowly-slowly put on teeth.
Formula 3: Pepper Powder And Salt

First of all we need pepper powder and salt with equal amount and make paste and apply.whithin 2 minutes you pain is disappear.

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